Browsing byAuthorHuston, WM

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03-284-Chloroisocoumarins as Chlamydial Protease Inhibitors and Anti-Chlamydial Agents.Phillips, MJA; Huston, WM; McDonagh, AM; Rawling, T
2020-09-09A retrospective cohort study examining STI testing and perinatal records demonstrates reproductive health burden of chlamydia and gonorrhea.Callan, T; Debattista, J; Berry, B; Brown, J; Woodcock, S; Hocking, JS; Huston, WM
2012-04-01The active site residue V266 of chlamydial HtrA is critical for substrate binding during both in vitro and in vivo conditionsGloeckl, S; Tyndall, JDA; Stansfield, SH; Timms, P; Huston, WM
2018-12-01Advancing the public health applications of Chlamydia trachomatis serologyWoodhall, SC; Gorwitz, RJ; Migchelsen, SJ; Gottlieb, SL; Horner, PJ; Geisler, WM; Winstanley, C; Hufnagel, K; Waterboer, T; Martin, DL; Huston, WM; Gaydos, CA; Deal, C; Unemo, M; Dunbar, JK; Bernstein, K
2011-05-01Apoptosis is Induced in Chlamydia trachomatis-infected HEp-2 Cells by the Addition of a Combination Innate Immune Activation Compounds and the Inhibitor WedelolactoneHuston, WM; Gloeckl, S; de Boer, L; Beagley, KW; Timms, P
-Ascension of Chlamydia is moderated by uterine peristalsis and the neutrophil response to infectionCallan, T; Woodcock, S; Huston, WM
2021-06-01Cervicovaginal microbiota and women's health outcomesBryant, CJ; Burke, C; Huston, WM
2018-08-01Cervicovaginal microbiota, women's health, and reproductive outcomesKroon, SJ; Ravel, J; Huston, WM
2013-05-01Characterization of in vitro chlamydia muridarum persistence and utilization in an in vivo mouse model of chlamydia vaccineCarey, AJ; Huston, WM; Cunningham, KA; Hafner, LM; Timms, P; Beagley, KW
2018-04-01Characterization of the in vitro chlamydia pecorum response to gamma interferonIslam, MM; Jelocnik, M; Huston, WM; Timms, P; Polkinghorne, A
2014-01-01Characterization of the tail-specific protease (Tsp) from LegionellaLawrence, A; Nicholls, SK; Stansfield, SH; Huston, WM
2022-12Chlamydia and CoxiellaJelocnik, M; Huston, WM; Newton, HJ
2016-08-17Chlamydia Serine Protease Inhibitor, targeting HtrA, as a New Treatment for Koala Chlamydia infectionLawrence, A; Fraser, T; Gillett, A; Tyndall, JDA; Timms, P; Polkinghorne, A; Huston, WM
2016-09-01Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Tract Infections: When Host Immune Response and the Microbiome CollideZiklo, N; Huston, WM; Hocking, JS; Timms, P
2017-06-22Chlamydia trachomatis InfectionHocking, JS; Huston, WM; Chen, M
2008-11-27Chlamydia trachomatis responds to heat shock, penicillin induced persistence, and IFN-gamma persistence by altering levels of the extracytoplasmic stress response protease HtrAHuston, WM; Theodoropoulos, C; Mathews, SA; Timms, P
2015-09-30A Chlamydia trachomatis strain with a chemically generated amino acid substitution (P370L) in the cthtrA gene shows reduced elementary body production Microbial genetics, genomics and proteomicsMarsh, JW; Wee, BA; Tyndall, JDA; Lott, WB; Bastidas, RJ; Caldwell, HD; Valdivia, RH; Kari, L; Huston, WM
2021-03-01Chlamydial clinical isolates show subtle differences in persistence phenotypes and growth in vitroThomas, M; Lawrence, A; Kroon, S; Vodstrcil, LA; Phillips, S; Hocking, JS; Timms, P; Huston, WM
2019-06-24Chromatin accessibility dynamics of Chlamydia-infected epithelial cellsHayward, RJ; Marsh, JW; Humphrys, MS; Huston, WM; Myers, GSA
2020-10-27Chromatin accessibility dynamics of Chlamydia-infected epithelial cells.Hayward, RJ; Marsh, JW; Humphrys, MS; Huston, WM; Myers, GSA