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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-01-07A Meta-Analytical Assessment of the Effect of Deontological Evaluations and Teleological Evaluations on Ethical Judgments/IntentionsSmith, A; Zlatevska, N; Chowdhury, R; Belli, A
2017-12-21An economical Custom-Built drone for assessing whale healthPirotta, V; Smith, A; Ostrowski, M; Russell, D; Jonsen, ID; Grech, A; Harcourt, R
2022-07-01Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology With Offspring Growth and Adiposity From Infancy to Early Adulthood.Elhakeem, A; Taylor, AE; Inskip, HM; Huang, J; Tafflet, M; Vinther, JL; Asta, F; Erkamp, JS; Gagliardi, L; Guerlich, K; Halliday, J; Harskamp-van Ginkel, MW; He, J-R; Jaddoe, VWV; Lewis, S; Maher, GM; Manios, Y; Mansell, T; McCarthy, FP; McDonald, SW; Medda, E; Nisticò, L; de Moira, AP; Popovic, M; Reiss, IKM; Rodrigues, C; Salika, T; Smith, A; Stazi, MA; Walker, C; Wu, M; Åsvold, BO; Barros, H; Brescianini, S; Burgner, D; Chan, JKY; Charles, M-A; Eriksson, JG; Gaillard, R; Grote, V; Håberg, SE; Heude, B; Koletzko, B; Morton, S; Moschonis, G; Murray, D; O'Mahony, D; Porta, D; Qiu, X; Richiardi, L; Rusconi, F; Saffery, R; Tough, SC; Vrijkotte, TGM; Nelson, SM; Nybo Andersen, A-M; Magnus, MC; Lawlor, DA; Assisted Reproductive Technology and Future Health (ART-Health) Cohort Collaboration,
2003-01Band sturctures of the group I and group II oxides: using EMS measurements as a test of theoretical modelsMikajlo, EA; Sashin, VA; Nixon, KL; Soule, DBBJ; Dorsett, HE; Ford, M; Cashion, J; Finlayson, T; Paganin, D; Smith, A; Troup, G
2020-04-09Bionic 3D printed corals.Wangpraseurt, D; You, S; Azam, F; Jacucci, G; Gaidarenko, O; Hildebrand, M; Kühl, M; Smith, AG; Davey, MP; Smith, A; Deheyn, DD; Chen, S; Vignolini, S
2007-01Cabinet magazine (2007-2010)Smith, A; Sina Najafi
2014-04-17Coal-packed methane biofilter for mitigation of green house gas emissions from coal mine ventilation airLimbri, H; Gunawan, C; Thomas, T; Smith, A; Scott, J; Rosche, B
2020-01-30Coral restoration - A systematic review of current methods, successes, failures and future directions.Boström-Einarsson, L; Babcock, RC; Bayraktarov, E; Ceccarelli, D; Cook, N; Ferse, SCA; Hancock, B; Harrison, P; Hein, M; Shaver, E; Smith, A; Suggett, D; Stewart-Sinclair, PJ; Vardi, T; McLeod, IM
2022Coral restoration and adaptation in Australia: The first five years.McLeod, IM; Hein, MY; Babcock, R; Bay, L; Bourne, DG; Cook, N; Doropoulos, C; Gibbs, M; Harrison, P; Lockie, S; van Oppen, MJH; Mattocks, N; Page, CA; Randall, CJ; Smith, A; Smith, HA; Suggett, DJ; Taylor, B; Vella, KJ; Wachenfeld, D; Boström-Einarsson, L; Guest, JR
2000-12-01Creating an Optimistic Future for Indigenous Research in Education: Re-Visioning Both Outcome and Process. Panel Presentation Report.Blanchard, M; McKnight, A; Lui-Chivizhe, L; Wray, D; French, K; Sherwood, J; Galleguillos, S; Smith, A
2009-01Critical articles on biennales, triennales and regional shows (2007-2010)Smith, A; -
2009-01Designing and Testing a Park-Based Visitor SurveyMoore, S; Crilley, G; Darcy, SA; Griffin, T; Taplin, R; Tonge, J; Wegner, A; Smith, A
2009DESIGNING AND TESTING A PARK-BASED VISITOR SURVEYDarcy, S; Crilley, G; Moore, SA; Smith, A; Taplin, R; Griffin, T; Wegner, A; Tonge, J
2018Digital metroliteracies: : Space, diversity and identityDovchin, S; Pennycook, AD; Mills, K; Stornaiuolo, A; Smith, A; Pandya, JZ
2019-06-03Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors in Child and Adolescent Health, 1990 to 2017: Findings From the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2017 Study.GBD 2017 Child and Adolescent Health Collaborators; Reiner, RC; Olsen, HE; Ikeda, CT; Echko, MM; Ballestreros, KE; Manguerra, H; Martopullo, I; Millear, A; Shields, C; Smith, A; Kokubo, Y; Koyanagi, A; Defo, BK; Lal, DK; Kumsa, FA; Larson, HJ; Leung, J; Mamun, AA; Mehata, S; Melku, M; Nong, VM; Mendoza, W; Mezgebe, HB; Miller, TR; Moges, NA; Mohammed, S; Mokdad, AH; Monasta, L; Neupane, S; Nguyen, HLT; Ningrum, DNA; Ogbo, FA; Nirayo, YL; Olagunju, AT; Olusanya, BO; Olusanya, JO; Patton, GC; Pereira, DM; Pourmalek, F; Qorbani, M; Rafay, A; Sliwa, K; Rai, RK; Ram, U; Ranabhat, CL; Renzaho, AMN; Rezai, MS; Ronfani, L; Roth, GA; Safiri, S; Sartorius, B; Scott, JG; Sreeramareddy, C; Shackelford, KA; Sufiyan, MB; Terkawi, AS; Topor-Madry, R; Tran, BX; Ukwaja, KN; Uthman, OA; Vollset, SE; Weldegwergs, KG; Strub, B; Werdecker, A; Whiteford, HA; Wijeratne, T; Yonemoto, N; Yotebieng, M; Zuhlke, LJ; Kyu, HH; Naghavi, M; Vos, T; Murray, CJL; Abebe, M; Kassebaum, NJ; Abebe, Z; Adhena, BM; Adhikari, TB; Akibu, M; Al-Raddadi, RM; Alvis-Guzman, N; Antonio, CAT; Aremu, O; Asgedom, SW; Asseffa, NA; Avila-Burgos, L; Barac, A; Bärnighausen, TW; Bassat, Q; Bensenor, IM; Bhutta, ZA; Bijani, A; Bililign, N; Cahuana-Hurtado, L; Malta, DC; Chang, J-C; Charlson, FJ; Dharmaratne, SD; Doku, DT; Edessa, D; El-Khatib, Z; Erskine, HE; Ferrari, AJ; Fullman, N; Gupta, R; Hassen, HY; Hay, SI; Ilesanmi, OS; Jacobsen, KH; Kahsay, A; Kasaeian, A; Kassa, TD; Kebede, S; Khader, YS; Khan, EA; Khan, MN; Khang, Y-H; Khubchandani, J; Kinfu, Y; Kochhar, S
1999-09-06Dose-rate effects of ethylene oxide exposure on developmental toxicityWeller, E; Long, N; Smith, A; Williams, P; Ravi, S; Gill, J; Henessey, R; Skornik, W; Brain, J; Kimmel, C; Kimmel, G; Holmes, L; Ryan, L
2011-08-01Drivers of illicit drug use regulation in Australian sportStewart, B; Adair, D; Smith, A
2018-07-01Early stage litter decomposition across biomesDjukic, I; Kepfer-Rojas, S; Schmidt, IK; Larsen, KS; Beier, C; Berg, B; Verheyen, K; Caliman, A; Paquette, A; Gutiérrez-Girón, A; Humber, A; Valdecantos, A; Petraglia, A; Alexander, H; Augustaitis, A; Saillard, A; Fernández, ACR; Sousa, AI; Lillebø, AI; da Rocha Gripp, A; Francez, AJ; Fischer, A; Bohner, A; Malyshev, A; Andrić, A; Smith, A; Stanisci, A; Seres, A; Schmidt, A; Avila, A; Probst, A; Ouin, A; Khuroo, AA; Verstraeten, A; Palabral-Aguilera, AN; Stefanski, A; Gaxiola, A; Muys, B; Bosman, B; Ahrends, B; Parker, B; Sattler, B; Yang, B; Juráni, B; Erschbamer, B; Ortiz, CER; Christiansen, CT; Carol Adair, E; Meredieu, C; Mony, C; Nock, CA; Chen, CL; Wang, CP; Baum, C; Rixen, C; Delire, C; Piscart, C; Andrews, C; Rebmann, C; Branquinho, C; Polyanskaya, D; Delgado, DF; Wundram, D; Radeideh, D; Ordóñez-Regil, E; Crawford, E; Preda, E; Tropina, E; Groner, E; Lucot, E; Hornung, E; Gacia, E; Lévesque, E; Benedito, E; Davydov, EA; Ampoorter, E; Bolzan, FP; Varela, F; Kristöfel, F; Maestre, FT; Maunoury-Danger, F; Hofhansl, F; Kitz, F; Sutter, F; Cuesta, F; de Almeida Lobo, F; de Souza, FL; Berninger, F; Zehetner, F; Wohlfahrt, G; Vourlitis, G; Carreño-Rocabado, G; Arena, G; Pinha, GD; González, G; Canut, G; Lee, H; Verbeeck, H; Auge, H; Pauli, H
2019-12-01The effect of statins and the synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 on expression of ABCA1 transporter protein in human lung epithelial cell lines in vitroHe, P; Smith, A; Gelissen, IC; Ammit, AJ
2019-11The effect of statins and the synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 on expression of ABCA1 transporter protein in human lung epithelial cell lines in vitro.He, P; Smith, A; Gelissen, IC; Ammit, AJ