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Showing results 18 to 37 of 105287< previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-1. “I am ( I and I)”, (1996), acrylic on paper, manipulated book 2. “LXZb” (2002), acrylic on hard cover book, manipulated book 3. “Adam and Eve”, (1997), oil stick on paper, manipulated book 4. “On Illustration”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 5. “Philosophy and Simulation”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 6. “Michelangelo”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 7. “Conceptual Art”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 8. “The Artists”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 9. “Isolated Houses”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 10. “Burtynsky Oil”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 11. “Creative Britain”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 12. “A Critical Anthology”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket)Titmarsh, M
20221.5 °C pathways for the Global Industry Classification (GICS) sectors chemicals, aluminium, and steel.Teske, S; Niklas, S; Talwar, S; Atherton, A
2018-01-011.9 The Electric Highway: Intelligent Infrastructures for Kinetic CitiesBarnstone, DA; Barnstone, RV
2010-02-01The 1/d Law of GivingGoeree, JK; McConnell, MA; Mitchell, T; Tromp, T; Yariv, L
2006-01A 10 point plan for a sustainable transport futureRiedy, C; Atherton, AM; White, S
2018-05-01A 10 year comparison update: A survey of socio-demogrpahics and practice characteritics of members of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine AssociationOh, JE; Walsh, S; Zaslawski, CJ
2019-01-1510-million-elements-per-second printing of infrared-resonant plasmonic arrays by multiplexed laser pulsesPavlov, D; Gurbatov, S; Kudryashov, SI; Danilov, PA; Porfirev, AP; Khonina, SN; Vitrik, OB; Kulinich, SA; Lapine, M; Kuchmizhak, AA
2013-01-01A 10-state model for an AMC scheme with repetition coding in mobile wireless networksNguyen, Q-T; Dinh-Thong, N; Lam, SC
2022-12-01100 years of Brillouin scattering: Historical and future perspectivesMerklein, M; Kabakova, IV; Zarifi, A; Eggleton, BJ
2017-10-17100% Renewable Energy for Tanzania – Access to renewable and affordable energy for all within one generation (full report)Teske, S; Morris, T; Nagrath, K
2017-10-17100% Renewable Energy for Tanzania – Access to renewable and affordable energy for all within one generation. (Executive Summary)Teske, S; Morris, T; Nagrath, K
2022-10-141000 spider silkomes: Linking sequences to silk physical properties.Arakawa, K; Kono, N; Malay, AD; Tateishi, A; Ifuku, N; Masunaga, H; Sato, R; Tsuchiya, K; Ohtoshi, R; Pedrazzoli, D; Shinohara, A; Ito, Y; Nakamura, H; Tanikawa, A; Suzuki, Y; Ichikawa, T; Fujita, S; Fujiwara, M; Tomita, M; Blamires, SJ; Chuah, J-A; Craig, H; Foong, CP; Greco, G; Guan, J; Holland, C; Kaplan, DL; Sudesh, K; Mandal, BB; Norma-Rashid, Y; Oktaviani, NA; Preda, RC; Pugno, NM; Rajkhowa, R; Wang, X; Yazawa, K; Zheng, Z; Numata, K
2021-09-01102Assessing the characteristics of health state utilities among people living with multiple sclerosisCampbell, J; Jelinek, G; Weiland, T; Nag, N; Neate, S; Palmer, A; Mulhern, B; De Livera, A; Simpson-Yap, S
202311 Autonomous mobility in the built environmentBiloria, N
2012-0111-kV Series-Connected H-Bridge Multilevel Converter for Direct Grid Connection of Renewable Energy SystemsIslam, R; Guo, Y; Zhu, J
2009-01A 12 month retrospective study of airway management practicesFry, M; Ruperto, K
2018-11-0112 Two-parameter families of reciprocal sums of products of the sine and cosine functionsMelham, RS
2011-02-01A 12-month evaluation of the impact of Transitional Emergency Nurse Practitioners in one metropolitan Emergency DepartmentFry, M; Fong, J; Asha, S; Arendts, G
2015-01-01A 12-week sports-based exercise programme for inactive Indigenous Australian men improved clinical risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes mellitusMendham, AE; Duffield, R; Marino, F; Coutts, AJ
2014-01-01126The influence of culture on iTrust aspects in B2C E-businessSohaib, O; Kang, K