A DevOps Reference Architecture for Multi-Cloud IoT Applications Deployment

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DevOps originated in the context of agile software development, which seems an appropriate approach to enable the continuous delivery and deployment of a software application in small releases. There is growing interest among organisations in adopting the DevOps approach and a multi-cloud environment for IoT (Internet of Things) application deployment. However, the challenge is how to apply DevOps when a multi-cloud heterogeneous environment is required for IoT application deployment. To address this vital research need, this thesis applies a design science research (DSR) method. It develops the DevOps reference architecture (DRA) framework to automate IoT applications deployment to the heterogeneous multi-cloud environment. The DRA is a cloud-enabled framework that mainly focuses on the deployment part of the integrated agile–DevOps methodology. Using a DSR method, the DRA has been incrementally developed by the iterative application of build, review, and adjust research activities. The DRA is intended for use by software organisations, coaches, managers, engineers, developers, and consultants as comprehensive reference architecture for deploying IoT applications to a multi-cloud environment using the DevOps approach. The DRA has three main components: framework characteristics, framework architecture, and framework composition. Framework characteristics incorporate nine main elements arranged into three categories: foundation (abstraction, human factor, infrastructure), core (process, tools, product), and extended (business value, rules, legal). Framework characteristics provide the building blocks necessary to create a reference architecture design using the DevOps approach and cloud infrastructure. Framework architecture is composed of five models: contextual, conceptual, logical, physical, and operational. Framework architecture is the blueprint used in the framework composition to create DevOps pipeline instances that enable IoT application deployment to the multi-cloud environment. The DRA framework composition includes three components: resources (architecture design, software, and hardware), configuration (pipeline, IoT application, IoT network), and output (DRA reference architecture, DRAv1.0 instance, DRAv2.0 instance). The framework provides implementation instructions and an evaluation template to implement and evaluate DRAv1.0 (single cloud) and DRA v2.0 (multi-cloud) instances in different organisational contexts. The proposed DRA framework is evaluated using an empirical evaluation composed of four iterations: industry case study, research case study, teaching case study, and industry field surveys. The results of this thesis indicate that the proposed DRA framework can be considered reasonable for the successful adoption of the DevOps approach for IoT application deployment to the multi-cloud environment. The evaluation results indicate that the DRA framework is generic and can be used in different organisational contexts and technology stacks to establish a cloud-based deployment architecture that is suitable for IoT applications.
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