Long-Term Person Re-Identification in the Wild

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Person re-identification (re-ID) has been attracting extensive research interest because of its non-fungible position in applications such as surveillance security, criminal investigation and forensic reasoning. Existing works assume that pedestrians keep their clothes unchanged while passing across disjoint cameras in a short period. It narrows person re-ID to a short-term problem and incurs solutions using appearance-based similarity measurement. However, this assumption is not always true in practice. For example, pedestrians are high likely to re-appear after a long-time period, such as several days. This emerging problem is termed as long-term person re-ID (LT-reID). Regarding different types of sensors deployed, LT-reID is divided into two subtasks: person re-ID after a long-time gap (LTG-reID) and cross-camera-modality person re-ID (CCM-reID). LTG-reID utilizes only RGB cameras, while CCM-reID employs different types of sensors. Besides challenges in classical person re-ID, CCM-reID faces additional data distribution discrepancy caused by modality difference, and LTG-reID suffers severe within-person appearance inconsistency caused by clothing changes. These variations seriously degrade the performance of existing re-ID methods. To address the aforementioned problems, this thesis investigates LT-reID from four aspects: motion pattern mining, view bias mitigation, cross-modality matching and hybrid representation learning. Motion pattern mining aims to address LTG-reID by crafting true motion information. To this point, a fine motion encoding method is proposed, which extracts motion patterns hierarchically by encoding trajectory-aligned descriptors with Fisher vectors in a spatial-aligned pyramid. View bias mitigation targets on narrowing discrepancy caused by viewpoint difference. This thesis proposes two solutions: VN-GAN normalizes gaits from various views into a unified one, and VT-GAN achieves view transformation between gaits from any two views. Cross-modality matching aims to learn modality-invariant representations. To this end, this thesis proposes to asymmetrically project heterogeneous features across modalities onto a modality-agnostic space and simultaneously reconstruct the projected data using a shared dictionary on the space. Hybrid representation learning explores both subtle identity properties and motion patterns. Regarding that, a two-stream network is proposed: the space-time stream performs on image sequences to learn identity-related patterns, e.g., body geometric structure and movement, and skeleton motion stream operates on normalized 3D skeleton sequences to learn motion patterns. Moreover, two datasets particular for LTG-reID are presented: Motion-reID is collected by two real-world surveillance cameras, and CVID-reID involves tracklets clipped from street-shot videos of celebrities on the Internet. Both datasets include abundant within-person cloth variations, highly dynamic background and diverse camera viewpoints, which promote the development of LT-reID research.
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