GEM: online globally consistent dense elevation mapping for unstructured terrain

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70, (99), pp. 1-13
Issue Date:
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IEEE Online dense mapping gives a representation of the unstructured terrain, which is indispensable for safe robotic motion planning. In this paper, we propose such an elevation mapping system, namely GEM, to generate a dense local elevation map in constant real-time for fast responsive local planning, and maintain a globally consistent dense map for path routing at the same time. We model the global elevation map as a collection of submaps. When the trajectory estimation of the robot is corrected by SLAM, only relative poses between submaps are updated without re-building the submap. As a result, this deformable global dense map representation is able to keep the global consistency online. Besides, we accelerate the local mapping by integrating traversability analysis into the mapping system to save the computation cost by obstacle awareness. The system is implemented by CPU-GPU coordinated processing to guarantee constant real-time performance for in-time handling of dynamic obstacles. Substantial experimental results on both simulated and real-world dataset validate the efficiency and effectiveness of GEM.
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