Local Information and Structures in Analysis and Modelling of Complex Networks

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Abstracting entities and their interactions as nodes and links, networks are a general representation for modelling and studying complex systems. Modelling relational structures of the underlying data, rather than only a set of isolated entities, allows us to build more accurate models for various types of domain data, such as social relationships, molecular interactions, program executions, and many more. Despite being powerful and ubiquitous, networks are also difficult to process, mainly due to their complex topological structures. Therefore, the study of network structure, especially local structure, has been the core theme of studying complex networks. This dissertation aims to provide new understandings of how local structure information is extracted and utilised in studying different types of complex networks. The dissertation includes three original works in the direction of local structure and information on top of a comprehensive survey. In the review, we propose new taxonomies for graph structures that bring together the notions of centrality measures, motifs, and other local-level metrics. For theoretical understanding, we propose new metrics to quantify the formation of 3-node and 4-node subgraphs and develop new motif patterns that are distinctive features in both network- and node-level analysis. For methodological approaches, we propose the framework to effectively encode edge attributes into the typed-edge graphlet degree vector, for both sociocentric and egocentric networks. Moreover, for practical applications, the proposed metrics and approaches are applied in many different types of complex networks and case studies. They are not only proven to be effective in multiple learning and analytical tasks but also lead to new insights and interesting discoveries.
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