Managing and monitoring radiant and convective heat flows in temperate zone urban environments

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Countermeasures to the Urban heat island, 2014, pp. 1482-204 - 1492-204 (10)
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Modeling and experimental techniques for studying the impact of facades and roofing materials plus building layouts, on the UHI and interior energy use have been carried out for Sydney, which has a temperate zone climate. Cool roofing is treated as a multi-parameter sensitivity problem where changes in one of: solar reflectance, sub-roof R-value, and roof thermal mass (via material type or with phase change layers), plus change from cooling to heating season, alter the sensitivity of energy use and external surface temperatures to all of the other design settings. For high-rise layouts the issue of aspect ratio (height/spacing) plus spacing cover were considered. Special attention was paid to the night-time as an indicator of UHI problems and hence to flows of thermal radiation from the sky and from surfaces. Models needed to be accurate on this influence while a low cost, compact and portable technique for monitoring thermal radiation flows has been developed and calibrated using simultaneous full sky data from a pyrgeometer. An additional aspect of cool roofing has recently emerged involving modification to convective flow and cool air flow towards ground from varieties of multilayer roofing, including proliferation of solar modules on urban roofs, and additional layers involving polymer mesh or another solid layer.
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