From "This job is killing me" to "I live the life I love and I love the life I live"

Publication Type:
Workaholism: Perspectives and Experiences, 2009, 1, pp. 29 - 48
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If we define efficiency in terms of maximizing output from a given - or lesser - number of workers, it can be considered that, in some cases, Frederick Taylor's science has achieved a remarkahle success. Contemporary organizations managed to create such a state of conmitment (be it spontaneous or hnposed), that people have adopted excessive working as lifestyte. Life is organized aroundwork, with work occupying - more and more territory from the tormer privale life. We discuss the notion of excessive worffing, present several forms of excessive working, contest the idea that excessive working is necessarily noxious, and challenge researchers critically to discuss their practical saccess. As the saying goes, there can be too much of a good thing.
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