Browsing byAuthorRestrepo-Coupe, N

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Showing results 14 to 33 of 53< previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01-01Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparisonRestrepo-Coupe, N; Levine, NM; Christoffersen, BO; Albert, LP; Wu, J; Costa, MH; Galbraith, D; Imbuzeiro, H; Martins, G; da Araujo, AC; Malhi, YS; Zeng, X; Moorcroft, P; Saleska, SR
2016-03Dry-season greening of Amazon forests.Saleska, SR; Wu, J; Guan, K; Araujo, AC; Huete, A; Nobre, AD; Restrepo-Coupe, N
2018-08-01Ecosystem heterogeneity and diversity mitigate Amazon forest resilience to frequent extreme droughtsLongo, M; Knox, RG; Levine, NM; Alves, LF; Bonal, D; Camargo, PB; Fitzjarrald, DR; Hayek, MN; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Saleska, SR; da Silva, R; Stark, SC; Tapajós, RP; Wiedemann, KT; Zhang, K; Wofsy, SC; Moorcroft, PR
2020-10-12Empirical evidence for resilience of tropical forest photosynthesis in a warmer world.Smith, MN; Taylor, TC; van Haren, J; Rosolem, R; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Adams, J; Wu, J; de Oliveira, RC; da Silva, R; de Araujo, AC; de Camargo, PB; Huxman, TE; Saleska, SR
2018-06-15Enhanced canopy growth precedes senescence in 2005 and 2010 Amazonian droughtsLiu, YY; van Dijk, AIJM; Miralles, DG; McCabe, MF; Evans, JP; de Jeu, RAM; Gentine, P; Huete, A; Parinussa, RM; Wang, L; Guan, K; Berry, J; Restrepo-Coupe, N
2017-01-15Estimation of latent heat flux over savannah vegetation across the North Australian Tropical Transect from multiple sensors and global meteorological dataBarraza, V; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, A; Grings, F; Beringer, J; Cleverly, J; Eamus, D
2019-04-15Estimation of latent heat flux using satellite land surface temperature and a variational data assimilation scheme over a eucalypt forest savanna in Northern AustraliaBarraza, V; Grings, F; Franco, M; Douna, V; Entekhabi, D; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, A; Gassmann, M; Roitberg, E
2019-08-01Hydraulic traits explain differential responses of Amazonian forests to the 2015 El Niño-induced droughtBarros, FDV; Bittencourt, PRL; Brum, M; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Pereira, L; Teodoro, GS; Saleska, SR; Borma, LS; Christoffersen, BO; Penha, D; Alves, LF; Lima, AJN; Carneiro, VMC; Gentine, P; Lee, JE; Aragão, LEOC; Ivanov, V; Leal, LSM; Araujo, AC; Oliveira, RS
2018-10-31Implications of diurnal changes in leaf PRI on remote measurements of light use efficiencyMõttus, M; Aalto, J; Aragão, L; Bäck, J; Hernández-Clemente, R; Maeda, EE; Markiet, V; Nichol, CJ; Oliveira, RC; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Saleska, SR
2013-12-15Inter-annual variability of carbon and water fluxes in Amazonian forest, Cerrado and pasture sites, as simulated by terrestrial biosphere modelsVon Randow, C; Zeri, M; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Muza, MN; de Gonçalves, LGG; Costa, MH; Araujo, AC; Manzi, AO; da Rocha, HR; Saleska, SR; Arain, MA; Baker, IT; Cestaro, BP; Christoffersen, B; Ciais, P; Fisher, JB; Galbraith, D; Guan, X; van den Hurk, B; Ichii, K; Imbuzeiro, H; Jain, A; Levine, N; Miguez-Macho, G; Poulter, B; Roberti, DR; Sahoo, A; Schaefer, K; Shi, M; Tian, H; Verbeeck, H; Yang, ZL
2016-10-31An introduction to the Australian and New Zealand flux tower network - OzFluxBeringer, J; Hutley, LB; McHugh, I; Arndt, SK; Campbell, D; Cleugh, HA; Cleverly, J; De Dios, VR; Eamus, D; Evans, B; Ewenz, C; Grace, P; Griebel, A; Haverd, V; Hinko-Najera, N; Huete, A; Isaac, P; Kanniah, K; Leuning, R; Liddell, MJ; MacFarlane, C; Meyer, W; Moore, C; Pendall, E; Phillips, A; Phillips, RL; Prober, SM; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Rutledge, S; Schroder, I; Silberstein, R; Southall, P; Sun Yee, M; Tapper, NJ; Van Gorsel, E; Vote, C; Walker, J; Wardlaw, T
2014-09-29Land surface phenological response to decadal climate variability across Australia using satellite remote sensingBroich, M; Huete, A; Tulbure, MG; Ma, X; Xin, Q; Paget, M; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Davies, K; Devadas, R; Held, A
2014-09-29Land surface phenological response to decadal climate variability across Australia using satellite remote sensingBroich, M; Huete, A; Tulbure, MG; Ma, X; Xin, Q; Paget, M; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Davies, K; Devadas, R; Held, A
2016-12-01Landsat and GRACE observations of arid wetland dynamics in a dryland river system under multi-decadal hydroclimatic extremesXie, Z; Huete, A; Ma, X; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Devadas, R; Clarke, K; Lewis, M
2016-02-26Leaf development and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forestsWu, J; Albert, LP; Lopes, AP; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Hayek, M; Wiedemann, KT; Guan, K; Stark, SC; Christoffersen, B; Prohaska, N; Tavares, JV; Marostica, S; Kobayashi, H; Ferreira, ML; Campos, KS; Dda Silva, R; Brando, PM; Dye, DG; Huxman, TE; Huete, AR; Nelson, BW; Saleska, SR
2014-06-15Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and CerradoChristoffersen, BO; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Arain, MA; Baker, IT; Cestaro, BP; Ciais, P; Fisher, JB; Galbraith, D; Guan, X; Gulden, L; van den Hurk, B; Ichii, K; Imbuzeiro, H; Jain, A; Levine, N; Miguez-Macho, G; Poulter, B; Roberti, DR; Sakaguchi, K; Sahoo, A; Schaefer, K; Shi, M; Verbeeck, H; Yang, ZL; Araújo, AC; Kruijt, B; Manzi, AO; da Rocha, HR; von Randow, C; Muza, MN; Borak, J; Costa, MH; Gonçalves de Gonçalves, LG; Zeng, X; Saleska, SR
2016-10-07MODIS vegetation products as proxies of photosynthetic potential along a gradient of meteorologically and biologically driven ecosystem productivityRestrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, A; Davies, K; Cleverly, J; Beringer, J; Eamus, D; van Gorsel, E; Hutley, LB; Meyer, WS
2016-10-07MODIS vegetation products as proxies of photosynthetic potential along a gradient of meteorologically and biologically driven ecosystem productivityRestrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, A; Davies, K; Cleverly, J; Beringer, J; Eamus, D; Van Gorsel, E; Hutley, LB; Meyer, WS
2015-01-01Monitoring photosynthesis from spaceHuete, A; Ponce-Campos, G; Zhang, Y; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Ma, X; Moran, MS
2019-01-01Multi-scale phenology of temperate grasslands: Improving monitoring and management with near-surface phenocamsWatson, CJ; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, AR