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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A Sample-to-Sequence Protocol for Genus Targeted Transcriptomic Profiling: Application to Marine Synechococcus.Pitt, FD; Millard, A; Ostrowski, M; Dervish, S; Mazard, S; Paulsen, IT; Zubkov, MV; Scanlan, DJ
2023-05-18A suite of modular, all-synthetic suicide vectors for allelic exchange mutagenesis in multidrug resistant Acinetobacter strains.Pokhrel, A; Li, L; Short, FL; Paulsen, IT
2020-06-05A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data.Madin, JS; Nielsen, DA; Brbic, M; Corkrey, R; Danko, D; Edwards, K; Engqvist, MKM; Fierer, N; Geoghegan, JL; Gillings, M; Kyrpides, NC; Litchman, E; Mason, CE; Moore, L; Nielsen, SL; Paulsen, IT; Price, ND; Reddy, TBK; Richards, MA; Rocha, EPC; Schmidt, TM; Shaaban, H; Shukla, M; Supek, F; Tetu, SG; Vieira-Silva, S; Wattam, AR; Westfall, DA; Westoby, M
2021-04-01Aerobic bacteria and archaea tend to have larger and more versatile genomesNielsen, DA; Fierer, N; Geoghegan, JL; Gillings, MR; Gumerov, V; Madin, JS; Moore, L; Paulsen, IT; Reddy, TBK; Tetu, SG; Westoby, M
2013-09-10Application of exonuclease III-aided target recycling in flow cytometry: DNA detection sensitivity enhanced by orders of magnitudeLu, J; Paulsen, IT; Jin, D
2021-05Cell size, genome size, and maximum growth rate are near-independent dimensions of ecological variation across bacteria and archaea.Westoby, M; Nielsen, DA; Gillings, MR; Litchman, E; Madin, JS; Paulsen, IT; Tetu, SG
2020-02-13Characterising the mechanism of action of an ancient antimicrobial, honey, using modern transcriptomicsBouzo, D; Cokcetin, NN; Li, L; Ballerin, G; Bottomley, AL; Lazenby, J; Whitchurch, CB; Paulsen, IT; Hassan, KA; Harry, EJ
2017-05-01Characterization and Vaccine Potential of Membrane Vesicles Produced by Francisella noatunensis subsp orientalis in an Adult Zebrafish ModelLagos, L; Tandberg, JI; Repnik, U; Boysen, P; Ropstad, E; Varkey, D; Paulsen, IT; Winther-Larsen, HC
2005-01-01Cloning, expression, and purification of Brucella suis outer membrane proteinsDing, XZ; Bhattacharjee, A; Nikolich, MP; Paulsen, IT; Myers, G; Seshadri, R; Hoover, DL
2014-01-01The Common Oceanographer: Crowdsourcing the Collection of Oceanographic DataLauro, FM; Senstius, SJ; Cullen, J; Neches, R; Jensen, RM; Brown, MV; Darling, AE; Givskov, M; McDougald, D; Hoeke, R; Ostrowski, M; Philip, GK; Paulsen, IT; Grzymski, JJ
2016-10-20Comparative Analysis of Membrane Vesicles from Three Piscirickettsia salmonis Isolates Reveals Differences in Vesicle CharacteristicsTandberg, JI; Lagos, LX; Langlete, P; Berger, E; Rishovd, A-L; Roos, N; Varkey, D; Paulsen, IT; Winther-Larsen, HC
2004-04-13Comparison of the genome of the oral pathogen Treponema denticola with other spirochete genomesSeshadri, R; Myers, GSA; Tettelin, H; Eisen, JA; Heidelberg, JF; Dodson, RJ; Davidsen, TM; DeBoy, RT; Fouts, DE; Haft, DH; Selengut, J; Ren, Q; Brinkac, LM; Madupu, R; Kolonay, J; Durkin, SA; Daugherty, SC; Shetty, J; Shvartsbeyn, A; Gebregeorgis, E; Geer, K; Tsegaye, G; Malek, J; Ayodeji, B; Shatsman, S; McLeod, MP; Šmajs, D; Howell, JK; Pal, S; Amin, A; Vashisth, P; McNeill, TZ; Xiang, Q; Sodergren, E; Baca, E; Weinstock, GM; Norris, SJ; Fraser, CM; Paulsen, IT
2005-12-01Complete genome sequence of the plant commensal Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5Paulsen, IT; Press, CM; Ravel, J; Kobayashi, DY; Myers, GSA; Mavrodi, DV; DeBoy, RT; Seshadri, R; Ren, Q; Madupu, R; Dodson, RJ; Durkin, AS; Brinkac, LM; Daugherty, SC; Sullivan, SA; Rosovitz, MJ; Gwinn, ML; Zhou, L; Schneider, DJ; Cartinhour, SW; Nelson, WC; Weidman, J; Watkins, K; Tran, K; Khouri, H; Pierson, EA; Pierson, LS; Thomashow, LS; Loper, JE
2011-03-10Crystal structure of an integron gene cassette-associated protein from Vibrio cholerae identifies a cationic drug-binding moduleDeshpande, CN; Harrop, SJ; Boucher, Y; Hassan, KA; Leo, RD; Xu, X; Cui, H; Savchenko, A; Chang, C; Labbate, M; Paulsen, IT; Stokes, HW; Curmi, PMG; Mabbutt, BC
2016-05-01Effects of low temperature on tropical and temperate isolates of marine SynechococcusVarkey, D; Mazard, S; Ostrowski, M; Tetu, SG; Haynes, P; Paulsen, IT
2024-01-30Exploring virus-host-environment interactions in a chemotrophic-based underground estuary.Ghaly, TM; Focardi, A; Elbourne, LDH; Sutcliffe, B; Humphreys, WF; Jaschke, PR; Tetu, SG; Paulsen, IT
2016-09-01Fluorescence-based flow sorting in parallel with transposon insertion site sequencing identifies multidrug efflux systems in acinetobacter baumanniiHassan, KA; Cain, AK; Huang, T; Liu, Q; Elbourne, LDH; Boinett, CJ; Brzoska, AJ; Li, L; Ostrowski, M; Nhu, NTK; Nhu, TDH; Baker, S; Parkhill, J; Paulsen, IT
2021-12-17Functional characterisation of substrate-binding proteins to address nutrient uptake in marine picocyanobacteria.Ford, BA; Sullivan, GJ; Moore, L; Varkey, D; Zhu, H; Ostrowski, M; Mabbutt, BC; Paulsen, IT; Shah, BS
2007-05-01Genome sequence and identification of candidate vaccine antigens from the animal pathogen Dichelobacter nodosusMyers, GSA; Parker, D; Al-Hasani, K; Kennan, RM; Seemann, T; Ren, Q; Badger, JH; Selengut, JD; DeBoy, RT; Tettelin, H; Boyce, JD; McCarl, VP; Han, X; Nelson, WC; Madupu, R; Mohamoud, Y; Holley, T; Fedorova, N; Khouri, H; Bottomley, SP; Whittington, RJ; Adler, B; Songer, JG; Rood, JI; Paulsen, IT
2003-04-15Genome sequence of Chlamydophila caviae (Chlamydia psittaci GPIC): Examining the role of niche-specific genes in the evolution of the ChlamydiaceaeRead, TD; Myers, GSA; Brunham, RC; Nelson, WC; Paulsen, IT; Heidelberg, J; Holtzapple, E; Khouri, H; Federova, NB; Carty, HA; Umayam, LA; Haft, DH; Peterson, J; Beanan, MJ; White, O; Salzberg, SL; Hsia, RC; McClarty, G; Rank, RG; Bavoil, PM; Fraser, CM