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Showing results 69 to 88 of 181< previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-07-08Green fluorescent protein-like pigments optimise the internal light environment in symbiotic reef-building corals.Bollati, E; Lyndby, NH; D'Angelo, C; Kühl, M; Wiedenmann, J; Wangpraseurt, D
1998-01-01A H<inf>2</inf>S microsensor for profiling biofilms and sediments: Application in an acidic lake sedimentKühl, M; Steuckart, C; Eickert, G; Jeroschewski, P
2008-01-01Heat budget and thermal microenvironment of shallow-water corals: Do massive corals get warmer than branching corals?Jimenez, IM; Kühl, M; Larkum, AWD; Ralph, PJ
2012-08-07Highly photostable near-infrared fluorescent pH indicators and sensors based on BF<inf>2</inf>-chelated tetraarylazadipyrromethene dyesJokic, T; Borisov, SM; Saf, R; Nielsen, DA; Kühl, M; Klimant, I
2014-01-01Hot moments of N<inf>2</inf>O transformation and emission in tropical soils from the Pantanal and the Amazon (Brazil)Liengaard, L; Figueiredo, V; Markfoged, R; Revsbech, NP; Nielsen, LP; Prast, AE; Kühl, M
2017-11-01Hyperbaric oxygen sensitizes anoxic Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm to ciprofloxacinKolpen, M; Lerche, CJ; Kragh, KN; Sams, T; Koren, K; Jensen, AS; Line, L; Bjarnsholt, T; Ciofu, O; Moser, C; Kühl, M; Høiby, N; Jensen, P
2021-10-30Hypoxia as a physiological cue and a pathological stress for coral larvae.Alderdice, R; Pernice, M; Cárdenas, A; Hughes, DJ; Harrison, PL; Boulotte, N; Chartrand, K; Kühl, M; Suggett, DJ; Voolstra, CR
2005-12-01Identification of "Candidatus Thioturbo danicus," a microaerophilic bacterium that builds conspicuous veils on sulfidic sedimentsMuyzer, G; Yildirim, E; Van Dongen, U; Kühl, M; Thar, R
2008-06-01Imaging of oxygen dynamics within the endolithic algal community of the massive coral Porites lobataKühl, M; Holst, G; Larkum, AWD; Ralph, PJ
2012-07-01Imaging of surface O <inf>2</inf> dynamics in corals with magnetic micro optode particlesFabricius-Dyg, J; Mistlberger, G; Staal, M; Borisov, SM; Klimant, I; Kühl, M
2011-08-01Importance of macro- versus microstructure in modulating light levels inside coral coloniesKaniewska, P; Magnusson, SH; Anthony, KRN; Reef, R; Kühl, M; Hoegh-Guldberg, O
2006-02-14In situ analysis of nitrogen fixation and metabolic switching in unicellular thermophilic cyanobacteria inhabiting hot spring microbial matsSteunou, AS; Bhaya, D; Bateson, MM; Melendrez, MC; Ward, DM; Brecht, E; Peters, JW; Kühl, M; Grossman, AR
2011-02-01In situ dynamics of O2, pH and cyanobacterial transcripts associated with CCM, photosynthesis and detoxification of ROSJensen, SI; Steunou, AS; Bhaya, D; Kühl, M; Grossman, AR
2016-01-01In situ hydrogen dynamics in a hot spring microbial mat during a diel cycleRevsbech, NP; Trampe, E; Lichtenberg, M; Ward, DM; Kühl, M
2014-01-01The in situ light microenvironment of coralsWangpraseurt, D; Polerecky, L; Larkum, AWD; Ralph, PJ; Nielsen, DA; Pernice, M; Kühl, M
2018-02-01In situ metabolomic- and transcriptomic-profiling of the host-associated cyanobacteria Prochloron and Acaryochloris marinaBehrendt, L; Raina, JB; Lutz, A; Kot, W; Albertsen, M; Halkjær-Nielsen, P; Sørensen, SJ; Larkum, AW; Kühl, M
2017-02-27In situ oxygen dynamics and carbon turnover in an intertidal sediment (Skallingen, Denmark)Walpersdorf, E; Kühl, M; Elberling, B; Andersen, TJ; Hansen, BU; Pejrup, M; Glud, RN
2012-08-01In situ thermal dynamics of shallow water corals is affected by tidal patterns and irradianceJimenez, IM; Larkum, AWD; Ralph, PJ; Kühl, M
2018-11-01In vitro community synergy between bacterial soil isolates can be facilitated by pH stabilization of the environmentHerschend, J; Koren, K; Røder, HL; Brejnrod, A; Kühl, M; Burmølle, M
2013-09-01The in vivo biofilmBjarnsholt, T; Alhede, M; Eickhardt-Sørensen, SR; Moser, C; Kühl, M; Jensen, PØ; Høiby, N