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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-02-18An Analysis for Adulteration and Contamination of Over-the-Counter Weight-Loss Products.Wong, PHB; Harnett, JE; Clases, D; Wheate, NJ
2021-11-01An interactive Python-based data processing platform for single particle and single cell ICP-MSLockwood, TE; Gonzalez De Vega, R; Clases, D
2018-07-01Analysis of metal-based contrast agents in medicine and the environmentClases, D; Sperling, M; Karst, U
2022-07Analysis of Ti- and Pb-based particles in the aqueous environment of Melbourne (Australia) via single particle ICP-MS.Gonzalez de Vega, R; Lockwood, TE; Xu, X; Gonzalez de Vega, C; Scholz, J; Horstmann, M; Doble, PA; Clases, D
2018-07-01Applications of liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in the biosciences: A tutorial review and recent developmentsBishop, DP; Hare, DJ; Clases, D; Doble, PA
2021-08-22Characterisation of microplastics and unicellular algae in seawater by targeting carbon via single particle and single cell ICP-MS.Gonzalez de Vega, R; Goyen, S; Lockwood, TE; Doble, PA; Camp, EF; Clases, D
2020-11-02Characterization of Upconversion Nanoparticles by Single-Particle ICP-MS Employing a Quadrupole Mass Filter with Increased Bandpass.Meyer, S; Gonzalez de Vega, R; Xu, X; Du, Z; Doble, PA; Clases, D
2021-04-01Determination of gadolinium MRI contrast agents in fresh and oceanic waters of Australia employing micro-solid phase extraction, HILIC-ICP-MS and bandpass mass filteringHorstmann, M; Gonzalez De Vega, R; Bishop, DP; Karst, U; Doble, PA; Clases, D
2019-01-01Dietary zinc and the control of Streptococcus pneumoniae infectionEijkelkamp, BA; Morey, JR; Neville, SL; Tan, A; Pederick, VG; Cole, N; Singh, PP; Ong, CLY; De Vega, RG; Clases, D; Cunningham, BA; Hughes, CE; Comerford, I; Brazel, EB; Whittall, JJ; Plumptre, CD; McColl, SR; Paton, JC; McEwan, AG; Doble, PA; McDevitt, CA
2016-01-01Elemental bio-imaging using laser ablation-triple quadrupole-ICP-MSBishop, DP; Clases, D; Fryer, F; Williams, E; Wilkins, S; Hare, DJ; Cole, N; Karst, U; Doble, PA
2023-12-09Expression of Concern: Characterising the spatial and temporal brain metal profile in a mouse model of tauopathy.Rao, SS; Lago, L; de Vega, RG; Bray, L; Hare, DJ; Clases, D; Doble, PA; Adlard, PA
2022-10Facets of ICP-MS and their potential in the medical sciences-Part 1: fundamentals, stand-alone and hyphenated techniques.Clases, D; Gonzalez de Vega, R
2022-10Facets of ICP-MS and their potential in the medical sciences-Part 2: nanomedicine, immunochemistry, mass cytometry, and bioassays.Clases, D; Gonzalez de Vega, R
2018-02-06Harnessing the Maltodextrin Transport Mechanism for Targeted Bacterial Imaging: Structural Requirements for Improved in vivo Stability in Tracer DesignAxer, A; Hermann, S; Kehr, G; Clases, D; Karst, U; Fischer-Riepe, L; Roth, J; Fobker, M; Schäfers, M; Gilmour, R; Faust, A
2022-12-21Host-Mediated Copper Stress Is Not Protective against Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 Infection.Neville, SL; Cunningham, BA; Maunders, EA; Tan, A; Watts, JA; Ganio, K; Eijkelkamp, BA; Pederick, VG; Gonzalez de Vega, R; Clases, D; Doble, PA; McDevitt, CA; Sanderson-Smith, ML
2022-11-12Immunoaffinity extraction followed by enzymatic digestion for the isolation and identification of proteins employing automated μSPE reactors and mass spectrometry.Duong, K; Maleknia, S; Clases, D; Minett, A; Padula, MP; Doble, PA; Gonzalez de Vega, R
2017-03-01Isobaric dilution analysis as a calibration tool for long lived radionuclides in ICP-MSClases, D; Birka, M; Sperling, M; Faust, A; Karst, U
2019-01-01LA-ICP-MS/MS improves limits of detection in elemental bioimaging of gadolinium deposition originating from MRI contrast agents in skin and brain tissuesClases, D; Fingerhut, S; Jeibmann, A; Sperling, M; Doble, P; Karst, U
2021-10-13Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Imaging in Biology.Doble, PA; de Vega, RG; Bishop, DP; Hare, DJ; Clases, D
2019-12-07Low background mould-prepared gelatine standards for reproducible quantification in elemental bio-imagingWesterhausen, MT; Lockwood, TE; Gonzalez De Vega, R; Röhnelt, A; Bishop, DP; Cole, N; Doble, PA; Clases, D